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Really an amazing life. Loving family, great best friends and real true friends, buddies from the other nations, enough foods and money, perfect healthy, and big destiny. What else? He gives me everything the best for me. Do you know Jesus?

Thursday, February 25, 2010

"nothing beats the feeling when you see that people change through you"

"nothing beats the feeling when you see that people change through you" I really do love this quote! reminds me of that outreach-ing and stuff. really makes me missing my outreach time.. reminds me of all people that I love, people that I not seeing their changing YET. especially my close people, and my best friend. sometimes, I can't see it. almost give up. but really in the deep of my heart, I still believe My God working that all things. shot me? yes. how about you? do you still having a heart full of compassion and mercy for others? think about it :)

Posted via email from Tirza Hartono's posterous

Monday, February 22, 2010

new phone ihiiiy!

I'm not going to be proud about this new phone ha ha! it's all about God's promises!

I've been praying for some music player about a year. I need that for my quiet time. emmm, God never give me an answer. so I just wait..

But this January, when I'm praying about this again. God just show up and said: ok, wait till February.

And suddenly, my phone breaks. I can't turn it on. so I came to my father's friend who have a service center for phone. And on my way, I see this phone, the phone that's with me now :)

I said to mom, it's pretty cool ya? She's silent. and somehow, I just asking about this phone, and it's a normal-price phone but still a cool one! so i just have a little conversation with dad and mom. and now, it's with me!

I'm talking about God's promise. He's soooo real! I'm asking for a MP3 or something like that, but God just give me a new phone! He gives me the besssssst! yeeeeeeeeeeah! I see His promise has been fulfilled. next: brother and YPDTS YWAM PERTH 2011! I'm coming soon!

here's some pictures from my new phone, enjoy!

Posted via email from Tirza Hartono's posterous


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