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Really an amazing life. Loving family, great best friends and real true friends, buddies from the other nations, enough foods and money, perfect healthy, and big destiny. What else? He gives me everything the best for me. Do you know Jesus?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Rizal part I

Rizal, he’s 16 years old now. 1st 1 meet him with Belinda, Joan, and Fenny at Rawa Sengon, I just see a sad face.
At that time, I never plan to meet the old lady that I meet last week with JT. She had a blur eyes. But when I saw her store. God spoke to me-just go there and pray for her eyes. She’s a tailor. Her job is the only income for her family cause she don’t know where’s her husband now. Her husband married someone after he run away. So, we prayed with Belinda’s strategy. 1st time, she felt her eyes better but just 50%. So we prayed for her again. and then Joan prayed and touched her eyes. After that, her eyes be healed! She said that after Joan lift her hands from her eyes, she saw the very bright light.
After that, we saw Rizal just sat in front of the store. 1st time I saw him, he drank some soft drink. And Belinda said-our next patient! So we talked to him, we wanted prayed for you! And then we just asked him, you want finish your drink 1st or you want to pray 1st? he answered-I want to finish my drink 1st. so we waited. And suddenly he just threw his drink and said-let’s pray! And at that time, I know he have a big faith. So we prayed for him. He have a broke bone. And his right leg shorter 2 inc than the left leg. 2 times we prayed, he just felt nothing. So we asked him, do you have any unfair feeling, or rejected, or bitter? He just said, no. and we asked him again, do you feel unfair about your conditions with God? And then he said-yes. So we prayed for his unfair feeling, and for reconciliation with his parents. so we prayed for him and he repeat us. But when we prayed-I forgive my mom and my dad. He just said-I forgive my mom. And at that time, I just felt something wrong with his relationship with his father. After that we prayed for his legs again. and it grow! And we prayed for his back bone. He said when we prayed for him, he felt electricity like some of his bone want to be straight and we saw he shaking when we prayed. and then I met his mother. And then I ask-do Rizal have some bitter from his father? She just said-no, I don’t know. but almost everyday, Rizal’s father say the bad things to Rizal. And-dang! I think that’s the point.
So we came back next week and we saw his face more happy than the 1st time we saw him. We gave him Joan’s shoe because last time we met him, he said he don’t have a shoe, he just have slipper. So we prayed for him again. and now his legs is same. No one shorter or longer =]
and then we saw his back bone. That’s our 1st time. He take off his clothes. And honestly, I wanted cried but I hide it. Its so break my heart-his photos and video coming soon on my facebook guys. His mom said to me, when he was a little child, around 8 months. He always fell down. Everything okay till he’s 8 years old, the bone cant grow. So his family know about the bone after he’s 8 years old. so we prayed for him and after that, he can do the things that he never can do it before. He move his body and he can run a little bit now. That’s awesome! But he still felt the pain when he move his body. So, we encouragement him to practice it everyday. And when he do it, just said-thanks Jesus for the complete healing! And I saw, his smile is bigger than before. He’s so joyful.
And then his neighbor invited us to come to her house. Rizal follow us. So we saw the neighbor leg is shorter 1 inc. she said she had accident. Motorbike accident, someone hit her. So we prayed for her. 2 times, nothing happened. And then we asked, do you have a bitter or you cant forgive the man who hit you? And she said, no. I forgive him, I never have a bitter with him. And then we asked again, do you have a bitter with you father or mother? And then, she just cried. And said, she hate her father so much. Cause he want to throw her. She never met her father since she was born. And when 1st time they met, her father search her. And he want to do a very very bad things-I think I cant tell you guys, its too personal. And till now, her husband don’t know about that. He search her twice, and want to do that twice. But it doesn’t happened. We asked her to forgive her dad. But she cant and she wont. Its too hard for her. She’s cried and still said-no, I wont forgive him. We still encourage her. She’s still cried and said no. but we know, at that time holy spirit works. And finally, she can forgive her father. And then we prayed for her, pray for forgiveness for her father. She repeat after us. When she’s prayed, she’s still crying. I know that’s hard. But she want to open her heart and forgive her father, its like she open the door for blessings and healing.
And then after we prayed for forgiveness, we want pray for her leg. But, when we saw her legs, its already same! Hallelujah! Im shocked and, im speechless! That’s awesome! AWESOME! We’re not doing a pray for her legs before. We just do a pray for forgiveness. And before we pray for her legs, its already same. Me and Girja just shout-Ah Lord, You’re AWESOME!
And when I see Rizal face, he is so happy. His smile more bigger than before. He join us to pray for his neighbor and, when I see he’s so happy. I just think, he must join us to do this ministry! I hope so he can join us. And he would see people be heal and he can be heal too! Next week, yeah next week!
And then yesterday, me and Belinda just talk about Rizal. And Belinda said, she dreamt about Rizal a days ago. And she said, he would be a missionary. Maybe he would go to Bali and do DTS! And I can see it, that’s what I think of too. I think about Rizal 1 day after we prayed for him. And I’ve got that things too, he would be so AMAZING and he would be a missionary! And Belinda makes me feel so excited for Rizal. I cant wait to see that things happen! He would be a AMAZING man in God. His testimony will be so amazing! and I hope so he would go to DTS. Its gonna be so AMAZING!

To be continue…


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