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Really an amazing life. Loving family, great best friends and real true friends, buddies from the other nations, enough foods and money, perfect healthy, and big destiny. What else? He gives me everything the best for me. Do you know Jesus?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

i want to be a misionary, mom!

So, today I have a very very good conversations with my mom! Yippy! Im so happy! Ha ha!
I’ve ever talked with my mom about His call for me to be a missionary. But, is not very good. My mom just said, yes. But yeah, just it.
And then I tried again. but at that time, my mom said-wake up Tirza. We don’t have the money! And, im drop. Really I just felt like, its impossible. Where I can get that money?
But, its so funny. 1 day after I talked with my mom, I go to financial seminar with Jess’s team =] I don’t know anything about that seminar. I think yeah for a businessman maybe? Ha ha! But im shocked when I know, its for missionary. I really don’t know about that ha ha! And yeah, the seminar really really encourage me. Nothing Impossible! Yeah!
I still don’t know where i can get that money, ha ha. But I know God will provide me, always. Just hear and obey, ha ha!
But im still afraid to talk with my mom again about it. Until tonight. When there’s no one in my home, only me and my mom. We’re dinner together. And then, God said to me-just said you don’t want go to university and you would go to DTS, YWAM! And yeah, I started it!
“Mom, I don’t want go to university, or anything else. I want to be missionary.” Believe or not, when I said that. I felt no worries. I felt joy! That’s crazy cause, me and my mother don’t have like a very deep relationship. yeah and I know that’s my fault.
“are you sure?” my mom just said that.
“yeah, sure! I know He call me mom.”
“but you know, to be a missionary its not easy! Daddy is pastor, and you know our income, right?” I know sometimes, my family have a hard time with our finance. Till now. And I must pray hard for that.
“yes mom I know. and missionary don’t have any income (I don’t know why I talked about it ha ha) but if be a missionary is my call from God, He will provide it. All my friends from missionary never be so hungry or poor. Till now they still alive. Cause God provide them all. And that’s same for me.” I think that’s the craziest things that I told to my mom, ha ha ha. Before it happened, I just think I don’t want tell my mom about missionary don’t have any income. Ha ha! But I know, when im talking with my mom. That’s not the words from my mind or what, that’s from God. Cause I felt no worries, I felt joyful! That’s amazing!
“but where you can get that money to go to Perth?” I didn’t said Perth before =]
“God will provide it! Just pray for me mom.”
“where would you go?”
“I still not sure about that. But I’ll keep pray for that. And for money, and for everything.”
“I have 1 friend from YWAM.” I never said about YWAM before too. But I think my mom read YWAM brochure. I’ve got that from GYO. But totally im shocked, my mom have a friend from YWAM? That’s crazy! I never know about that!
“who? Where’s she live now?”
“Holland, my friend church.” And yeah, we have a great conversation tonight. She talked about her friend. And her friend is my daddy’s best friend too! Ahaa! Ha ha ha! And she can believe me now, I’ve got the green light from my mom! Ha ha!
And its not the end of my ‘miracle’ today. Before I write this post, I just go out of my room. And I’ve tried to find my bag. I remember I just put it in front of my parent’s room. But, im shocked when I saw like some notes from my mom. Psalm 23:1 and 6b. I know its from my mom =]
So yeah guys. I never imagine, its so easy to get my mom permission. Ha ha! And its all because Him. I know if im not obey, yeah maybe I will lose my chance. Just say it in His time, not in your time. And He would give you joy when you tell that. God You’re amazing! so the next one is, my daddy! I just wait for the right time, for His time =]


Blogger Hans Antonio said...

gilaaaaaaaaa!! keren abis! bner2 ya.. gila gw bacanya seneng bgt! tuhan keren za.. di depan lo masi bnyak lagi za yg ga pernha lo bayangin sblomnya. jadi SIAP2! haha. love you sister

9/21/2008 8:55 AM  

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